What is Community Fund?

Rather than focusing on the next generation of P2E games, we have been considering a more sustainable and scalable model that coexists with the community. From this perspective, instead of focusing on issuing gaming tokens before gamers and the community have settled in, we believe that reinvesting a. marketing budgets we can manage and b. revenue generated back into the ecosystem is a more sustainable approach. Once this method is validated, we will consider expanding into a larger ecosystem with the greater network effect.

Introducing, the Community Fund.

The Community Fund aims to create a sustainable ecosystem for gamers by bringing together various members of the Supervillain Ecosystem (gamers, community initiatives, etc.) with the SVL team.

Its purpose is to ensure that gamers, rather than large platforms, can share in the rewards based on their participation and contributions to the ecosystem.

Setting up & Operating the 'Community Fund'

  1. Genesis Pool We neither appeal to gamers and ecosystem members with the promise of future token listings, nor do we sell tokens to the community for fundraising purposes. Instead, we allocate a Community Fund for the first month that operates as player incentives within our budget.

  2. The Reserve The Community Fund reserve is accumulated based on the net revenue from direct and indirect business activities generated by the SVL team through the game(IAPs, Ad Revenues, Royalties, etc.) Approximately 10% of monthly cash-based net revenue flows into the Community Fund. We plan to disclose the accumulated Community Fund reserve to the community on a regular monthly basis.

    While there may be additional event activities depending on content update plans and internal marketing budgets, the primary community incentive rules are driven by this fund reserve.

  3. Community Voting We believe there is a special category of members who help us grow the community. These include Seed users who have supported our team/project from the beginning and promoted us within their groups since our Day 1, Moderators active within the community, key community leaders, guild masters in the game, and more. We collectively refer to these members as "Community Initiatives." These members continuously attract gamers to the community, while also helping new users settle in, both visibly and behind the scenes. Rewards for these community initiatives are also provided through the Community Fund, and we plan to incorporate our community's Voting Power into this process. This approach amplifies the voices of our members and creates a virtuous cycle, encouraging each community initiative to engage in activities that further benefit the Supervillain Ecosystem. The SuperV Ambassador Collection was initially designed to provide early users with Voting Rights for this purpose. However, as our user base continues to grow, we plan to refine and share our approach with the community on how we will expand and enhance these Voting Rights and Voting Power.

We believe that addressing the negative aspects of the traditional F2P business model, where third parties benefit from gamers' activities while gamers themselves are exploited, requires a strong, communicative community. Therefore, while we currently have no plans to issue tokens, we acknowledge the need for community incentives. This is why we are continuously considering 'what form' these incentives should take and 'who' should receive them. (Plus, we will be constantly increasing 'how much' the Community Fund Reserve will be based on our Live Ops and gaming pipeline.)

Last updated